The Capital Update | January 2018

Welcome to a New Year for Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland!

Holy crap, what a year 2017 was for myself and my team! We have all come a long way. Hell, last year this wasn't even a project that we were taking seriously! Look at it now: At least 40% of the wasteland has been painstakingly recreated by the team. The scripting team has finished some key quests from Fallout 3 as well including The Wasteland Survival Guide and Following In His Footsteps.

Work continues on Vault 101 and the Intro Sequence with great progress being made. A video from JHeim will be included in our media page soon! Asset Team Members Junders Plunket and Nuldel have both been working nonstop to deliver what the level designers need. XGamer's Metal Armor made it's first appearance as well alongside DogtoothCG's Raider Blastmaster armor. (Raider Pack Coming Soon™)

Interior Level Design Lead and head of the YouTube Channel Wonderside (known for Brotherhood REDACTED and some Shoddycast productions) has worked tirelessly to upgrade our old Alpha and Omega teaser into something more fitting. More on the video front, I (NafNaf_95) filmed an interview with noted Bethesda-centric gaming afficianado extraordinaire MrMatty. On top of a handful of gameplay videos, interviews, and teasers we also have a ton of screenshots to share to make up for the lack of a December Update so let's get started!

Many locations throughout the Wasteland have been lovingly recrafted by our level designers. We've been pushing to finish the Wasteland itself, and while production on interiors have slowed down significantly that doesn't mean we've stopped entirely!

Major Locations

The Wasteland


Quest Details

While everyone has equally been hard at work to keep this project going, it wouldn't be a proper recreation if we weren't able to do the quests, dialogues, encounters, and NPC's that bring the Capital Wasteland to life. So here are some screenshots to show some of the quests that we've been working on brought to you by GrandBulwark, HcG x Grill, Hwoodiwiss, JHeim, LlamaRCA, Mace, Unoctium, Vicyorus and VileAdversary of our scripting/programming team. Screenshots taken by NafNaf_95.


The Classic Fallout 3 Metal Armor by XGamer

Raider Blastmaster render by DogtoothCG

Raider Blastmaster render by DogtoothCG

That's it for this weeks updates! Be sure to check out our new videos section under gallery to check out what we've got in-game so far!